Mac Ops New Address
27 Rees Street, Queenstown
(Click on the map for directions)
We are pleased to announce that we have moved from 11/70 Glenda Drive right into the centre of town.
Our new address is: 27 Rees Street, Queenstown, 9300
(03) 4282911
You can find us opposite Quiksilver near the Shotover Street and Rees Street Roundabout.
Come and see us for:
-1 hour iPhone repairs
-Fast iPad, Macbook, iMac repairs
-Refurbished Macs and iPhones
Read our reviews and ask your friends.
With over 4,000 repairs completed, you know you are in good hands.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below
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For drone sales, phone repairs and Mac and iPhone training call (03) 4282911 or visit out site