Queenstown Mountain Bike Club
MAC OPS + QMTBCMac Ops is proud to be part of the growing and thriving Queenstown Mountain Bike Club Community.
Our team are keen riders too and we really appreciate all the thought, planning, development and dig nights to create and manage some of the best trails and mountain bike events in the Southern Lakes. We are super lucky!
As a member of the QMTBC, your membership supports the greater collective and can also get some solid benefits if you ever need to have your mobile phone and or computer fixed. So sign up and get full access to the great QMTBC offers and come into Mac Ops if you ever need technical support.
Thanks QMTBC and all its members….. Love Mac Ops!
Encouraging new friends though riding bikes, we run community events and fundraisers bring people together and building our biking network.
Queenstown Riding
All QMTBC trails are free for the public to ride! Run by bike loving volunteers, we are working hard to grow our network and open more fun trails for all to enjoy!
Hero Dirt
Building new and maintaining exciting trails is a never ending variety of opportunities in our beautiful Queenstown landscape.
QMTBC Membership

Being a member of the QMTBC will entitle you to loads of great deals around Queenstown and all QMTBC Club membership fees go into the trail fund.